How To Choose The Best Home UV Water Filter 

Did you know a UV water filter can provide up to 99.9% effectiveness in eliminating microorganisms in water? So you don’t need to deal with microorganisms infesting your home water supply anymore. Furthermore, they are a mile ahead of most standard filtration systems. And this is because they are so effective in eliminating microorganisms in water.

Why Choose A UV Water Filter

When it comes to our , we all want fresh, clean, and crisp-tasting water. But, of course, not every home enjoys these benefits, and that’s why a UV water filter can change everything. And with a UV water filter, the UV wavelength scrambles the DNA of living organisms in the water. This way, they can’t reproduce and cause health issues.

It works because the ultraviolet radiation renders all bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi unable to replicate. Therefore, it damages the nucleic acids of their DNA, giving you pure, clean water.

However, before choosing a UV filter for your home, there are a few factors you need to consider. Below, we will look at why adding a UV water filter to your home makes sense. And guide you through which UV filter is best for your home.

Steps to Take Before Choosing a UV Water Filter

Below, you’ll discover a few steps to take that will help you to choose the right UV filter:

Step 1: Determine If You Need A UV Filter

As earlier stated, choosing the appropriate filter can be tricky. So before you buy a UV filter, first find out if it is what your home needs.

Pinpointing your exact water quality problem can clarify if you need a UV filter. The easiest way to know your water’s actual problem is to take a sample of your home water to a lab and have them . However, you can specifically test for water issues; otherwise, they’ll go undetected. So check for things like:

  1. Total dissolved solids
  2. Microorganisms like: E. Coli, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Salmonella, viruses, and other protozoa
  3. Hardness
  4. Presence of chemicals, heavy metals like arsenic, chlorine, and pesticides

If your water quality issue is primarily a microorganism problem, you can solve it with a UV filter. However, UV filters do not remove chemicals or sediments, so they will not resolve those contamination problems.

1. Daily Water Usage And Flow Rates

You have to consider the amount of water consumed in your house daily. Moreover, this will help you decide the size of the filtration system that will effectively treat your water. If you choose a small filter, it may not be able to handle filtering large amounts of water at a time.

Water usage is also related to flow rate – the amount of water that can flow through a system. The flow rate of the UV filter has to correspond to or be higher than the flow rates of appliances in your home. Otherwise, your water may not receive proper treatment effectively. However, the UV light won’t be in contact with the water long enough to disinfect it.

You can usually determine the flow rate needed by checking the number of bathrooms, sinks, and faucets in your home and how often you have them in use. For example, homes with up to five bathrooms will need a filter with flow rates up to 18 gallons per minute (GPM), while homes with two bathrooms or less require around 9gpm.

2. UV Dosage

UV dosage is the level of intensity of the UV light that passes from the UV lamp into the water. The UV dosage you require depends on your water quality—some microorganisms, when present, need a higher dosage to kill them. When choosing a UV water filter, it’s a good idea to access your needs.

Typically when using a municipal water supply, you’ll only need about 20mJ/L of UV dosage because the water received pre-treatment. However, suppose you are using unregulated well-water. In that case, you’ll need up to 30mJ/L and sometimes higher depending on the microorganisms in your water.

3. Prefilter

Typically, UV purification systems never work as a stand-alone. However, any sediments and harmful chemicals in the water will prevent the filter from working effectively. Sediments provide a shade for microorganisms to hide behind and escape activation by UV light. They even reduce the UV transmittance (the ability of UV light to pass through) of the water, making the filter less effective.

Also, hard water will cause the UV lamp to become coated with limescale after a while, reducing the amount of UV light passing into the water. And this is why there is a need for a pre-filter before a UV purifier. The pre-filter will eliminate all sediments, chemicals, and particles that will disrupt the UV purification process. It will also ensure that your water is thoroughly purified.

Additionally, the pre-filter can be a water softener if your water is hard, which may be combined with a sediment filter if necessary. In general, if your water doesn’t meet the following requirements, it’ll need pretreatment:

  • Hardness < 7 grains per gallon
  • Tannins < 0.1 parts per million
  • Iron < 0.3 parts per million
  • Turbidity < 1 NTU
  • Ultraviolet transmittance (UVT) > 75%

You can choose to buy a pre-filter, but some UV purifiers come with pre-filters. The choice depends on you and your budget. However, if you already have a filter at home, ensure the UV filter is in the last filtration stage.

UV water filter

4. Installation And Space Requirements

Before choosing a filter to buy based on other requirements, check if you have enough space to install it. Some filters require installation in a specific orientation (horizontal or vertical), so see if your home can accommodate it first.

Many compact systems are available, so you don’t have to worry too much about space. Compact filters will work just as effectively as large systems, but they’ll need a brighter lamp which means they’ll be more expensive. Also, when considering the amount of space required to install the filter, leave enough room for maintenance, replacement, and a pre-filter.

5. Pricing

Asides from checking parameters like space and size, you’ll also need to find out what on average before choosing one. That’ll help you prepare for expenses and narrow down your options. There are UV filters for prices ranging from affordable to expensive, so the type you buy depends on your budget.

Step 3: Make a Choice

Once you’ve gone over all the steps listed above and established your preferences and needs, the last thing to do is make a choice. Of course, after all the considerations and deliberations, everything depends on you. However, rest assured that whatever choice you make, a UV water filter will be a healthier and more luxurious addition to your life.

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