6 Easy Things People With Clean Bathrooms Always Do

When it comes to clean bathrooms, we always struggle with the easiest and fastest way to keep them germ-free and tidy. Generally, I never mind cleaning, but the bathroom always seems the most challenging to keep disinfected and clean. Until now! I finally figured out how to keep my bathroom clean daily and ensure they stay that way. After all, we want our and stay clean too.

If you want to discover how people with clean bathrooms keep them that way, keep reading.

Clean Bathrooms – You Don’t Need To Break A Sweat

Let’s face it. Keeping our home clean isn’t easy. You need to hire a cleaning service to navigate an easy cleaning schedule. Keeping our bathrooms clean is one of the most annoying places in our homes to clean. With daily showers and constant grooming, our bathrooms become a mess of hair, germs, and grime so quickly.

Moreover, if you have more than one bathroom in your home, the task can quickly become almost impossible to keep clean. In the past, it would take me nearly an hour to clean them, but now, I discovered six easy steps that ensure my clean bathrooms stay that way.

Below, you’ll discover six easy things I do, as well as many others, to keep clean bathrooms clean and germ-free. And how you won’t need to break a sweat keeping them that way.

1 – Keep Cleaning Supplies Nearby – Preferably In The Bathroom

While it might not seem like a huge help, trust me, it is. Keeping cleaning supplies nearby helped me to keep clean bathrooms throughout my home. Moreover, instead of running around the house looking for them, I keep them in a cabinet over my toilet; this tip is a lifesaver.

Furthermore, I keep everything I need there to make cleaning fast and easy. For example, I use to clean the bowl, tub, vanity top, for the mirrors, door kobs, handles, etc., and at times for a quick toilet bowl cleanup. I also use for quick wipe-downs in between cleaning. Typically, I use them almost daily, and they are a saving grace for a germ-free cleaning experience. I also keep my favorite toilet bowl cleaner, , and brush right behind the bowl, so I always have it handy.

Furthermore, once you have everything you need close by, you will find it motivates you to keep things clean and stay that way. If you don’t have a cabinet in your bathroom, I suggest you buy one. You can or a . If your bathroom is small, add a to stow cleaning products. Use your creative ingenuity to find a place for them so you make cleaning easier and quicker.

2 – Wipe Down Mirrors Regularly

Whether you have one mirror or several, wiping them down will keep your bathroom in much better shape if you clean them regularly. Doing so only takes a few minutes and will keep them spotlessly clean. Nothing is more unsightly than toothpaste splatters on them or haircare products. If you take a few minutes to clean them, it will help motivate you to keep your bathrooms clean.

3 – Clean The Shower While You Are In It

We all know how quickly our showers can become grimy and difficult to clean. Well, there’s an easy way to solve that problem! While you are in the shower, clean it! It’s convenient to have a . This way, you can wash down the tub quickly. Of course, you don’t need to do this daily, but you can. I clean mine every other day and find that it works perfectly.

If you don’t want to use products with harsh chemicals, try . It has no harsh chemicals, petroleum-based solvents, glycol ethers, phosphates, acids, caustics, dyes, or fragrances. You’ll find you can keep your bathroom and tub sparkling clean with a few minutes every few days.

4 – Declutter The Clutter – For Clean Bathrooms, It’s A Must

Even if your bathroom looks and feels clean, clutter will tell a different story. With all the hair, body care, and makeup products strewn around, our bathroom can quickly become a mess and look untidy. If you use a product, put it back as soon as you finish. And make sure you have a place for everything and everything in its place.

Remember, you can use beautiful storage pieces like , cabinets, and under-the-sink storage to keep your things nice and tidy. Also, make sure your family does the same. Incentivize them to put things away as well. Maybe, you can increase their allowance by a few bucks for keeping the bathroom tidy. Or, let them play games or watch TV longer than usual.

5 – Clean The Floors Every Other Day

The floors in our bathrooms can quickly become one of the messiest places to clean. All the hair and grime that builds up it can make your bathroom look nasty and fast. I use my cordless vacuum to pick up all the debris daily quickly. Doing this keeps my floor nice and clean. I follow that up with some and promptly pick up any spills or toilet bowl messes easily.

Keeping your bathroom floors clean will keep your space shiny and germ-free. And you’ll find your bathroom smells cleaner too.

6 – Spot Clean-Ups – Clean Bathrooms Love Them

I find the best way to keep my bathroom germ-free is with frequent spot cleanups. So, what does that mean? Wherever I see a mess building up, I immediately clean it. If the toilet seat has stains, I wipe them clean. Or if the vanity top has water stains, I wipe them up right away.

If you are in a rush, take a few seconds to spot clean anyway. This hold for your walls too. You can easily wipe down any stains or messes on your wall with spot cleaning.

Using these six tips, you’ll discover your bathrooms will look and stay clean. Even with a busy schedule, you can take a few minutes every day to tidy up and save yourself from hours of work cleaning your bathrooms. On occasion, you can do a of your bathrooms when you have the time and patience for it.

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